St Clement of Rome Catholic Church

Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we welcome, embrace, and unite the many faces of Christ who worship with us. As a family, we deepen our faith and seek God through prayer and good works.

2nd Sunday of Lent

Already bruised by the skirmishes of life, we grown-ups let kids take refuge in a world of dreams, make-believes and incredible feats made easy by super-heroes. We do not want them to be scarred and traumatized by an early brush with the real world in which we must live. Alas, the world of grown-ups reserves many unpleasant surprises. At times, unceremoniously, we can be thrusted into surreal situations in which we would feel numb, disoriented, enveloped in darkness, trudging hesitantly through thick clouds.

Location Details

343 S. Main Street Romeo, MI 48065

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God Answers to Me

In the statistically insignificant experience of my life, I seem to be meeting more and more young people who boldly tell this Deacon that they “no longer practice the faith.”

Weekly Reflections

Sharing in Jesus’ Transfiguration

Already bruised by the skirmishes of life, we grown-ups let kids take refuge in a world of dreams, make-believes and incredible feats made easy by super-heroes. We do not want them to be scarred and traumatized by an early brush with the real world in which we must live. Alas, the world of grown-ups reserves many unpleasant surprises. At times, unceremoniously, we can be thrusted into surreal situations in which we would feel numb, disoriented, enveloped in darkness, trudging hesitantly…

God Tests Us

We all sense that Lent is a special time of grace from God… but we might think that giving up a few little things for 40 days or so is all that it takes to get in spiritual shape and ready for Easter. Lent is perhaps the most intensely spiritual time of the year but must be so for a more comprehensive and radical reason; one that covers all aspects of life. It is our fundamental choice to be unconditionally…

Preparing Ourselves for Unconditional Love

There is a story of a farmer who lost his watch in his barn. As it had sentimental value, he searched high-and-low among the bales of hay. Eventually, however, he gave up and decided to enlist the help of a group of children playing outside the barn. He promised them that the one who found it would be rewarded. Upon hearing this, the children hurried inside the barn, went through-and-around the stacks of hay but still could not find the…

Joy Through Mercy

Are these orders from Jesus (Luke 6: 27-37) a string of exaggerations designed to shock us? NO! We all know very well that Jesus means every single one of these statements, shocking and nearly impossible to implement as they truly are. We know him well enough to realize that these teachings are so “Christ-like,” so incredibly different from conventional wisdom, so radical that they must be divine; they must be filled with Life and designed to fill us with Life…

Bishop Barron’s Sunday Sermons


Is God calling you to serve the Church as a priest, permanent deacon, religious sister or brother, or lay ecclesial minister?