The Holy Eucharist completes Christian initiation. Those who have been raised to the dignity of the royal priesthood by Baptism and configured more deeply to Christ by Confirmation participate with the whole community in the Lord’s own sacrifice by means of the Eucharist. The Eucharist is offered to all Confirmed Catholics at each full Mass.
Catechism of the Catholic Church, # 1322
“The Mass is long, you say, and I reply: Because your love is short.” Saint Josemaría Escrivá
“The greatness of the liturgy depends (we shall have to repeat this frequently) on its unspontaneity.” Pope Benedict XVI
“It would be easier for the world to survive without the sun than to do without the holy Mass.” Saint Padre Pio
“Well, if the Eucharist is a symbol, to hell with it.” Flannery O’Connor
“There is nothing so great as the Eucharist. If God had something more precious He would have given it to us.” Saint John Vianney
“If the angels could be jealous of men, they would be for one reason: Holy Communion.” Saint Maximillian Kolbe
“When you approach the tabernacle remember that God has been waiting for you for twenty centuries.” Saint Josemaría Escrivá
“When you look at a crucifix you understand how much Jesus loved you then. When you look at the Eucharist you understand how much Jesus loves you now.” Saint Mother Teresa
“Since Christ himself said, ‘This is my body,’ who shall dare to doubt that it is His body .” Saint Cyril of Jerusalem
“Holy communion is the shortest and safest way to Heaven.” Saint Pius X
“In a false person, sacraments do not produce any effect.” Saint Thomas Aquinas