Ministries A-Z

Ministries A-Z

Agape Center

The Agape Center is located in northern Macomb County on the campus of St. Clement of Rome parish. The center exists to help individuals and families who need emergency assistance and its pantry is stocked with canned goods, meat products, fresh produce, and personal care items. In addition to our pantry, the center helps sponsoring churches with clients facing shut-off and eviction notices. Caring volunteers treat everyone with dignity and respect as they navigate the difficult times in life.


Co-Directors: Bob Bova and Adam Pfeil Gym Usage:The St. Clement of Rome Parish gymnasium is for the primary use of St. Clement parishioners, Religious Education program and sponsored organizations. Use will be allowed for all St. Clement sponsored athletics with the exception of, but not limited to, soccer, softball, baseball, and floor hockey. Sponsored activities must be scheduled through the parish office. CYO Basketball for St. Clement Boys and GirlsMens Basketball – 40 and overMens Basketball – 25 and overWomens…

Christian Service

Christian Service ministries have been ongoing throughout the history of the parish. As St. Clement grows and the community changes, the Christian Service Ministry expands and changes with the time and needs.  As people of Faith, we recognize our obligation to help people in need. The abundance of volunteers who come forward, we see in them, true followers of our Lord. Community Outreach “HIS” Table  We have joined our community parish with the same goal of helping one another. We…

Funeral Luncheons

The Funeral Luncheon ministry has a long history at St. Clement. All luncheons are catered and have specific requirements for both St. Clement and your caterer. St. Clement provides: Volunteers to serve and clean up following the meal Water, coffee, and lemonade Dishes, silverware, cups, and napkins Warming chafers and all necessary serving utensils Caterer provides: All food including desserts Local Caterers Buon Appetito                     (586) 785-3158 Country Smoke House    (810) 798-3064 Pamela’s Catering               (586) 752-7782 Zio’s Catering                       (586) 745-7722 Vince &…

Gabriel Project

The Gabriel Project is a Catholic based network of church volunteers committed to offering assistance to women and families facing crisis pregnancies. The members of the church community announce that they see in the creation of each baby a fresh expression of God’s unfailing love. A toll-free helpline number is available to offer immediate and practical help to Moms in need. After listening with compassion to a caller, an assessment is made. The caller is then referred to a Gabriel…

Hispanic Outreach

Coordinator – Sr. Valerie Knoche, IHM Ministry to Spiritual and Material Needs of the Hispanic CommunityThis Ministry is supported through the CSA Collection of the Archdiocese of Detroit English Language LearnersProvides Opportunities for the Hispanics to Learn English Translation of DocumentsFr. Joe Smetana, OFM, CAPTranslates Official Documents from Spanish to English and English to Spanish.


Refers to the relationship between a guest and a host, wherein the host receives the guest with goodwill, including the reception and entertainment of guests, visitors, or strangers. Louis, chevalier de Jaucourt describes hospitality in the Encyclopédie as the virtue of a great soul that cares for the whole universe through the ties of humanity. The Hospitality Ministry consists of volunteer groups that set-up, serve, and clean-up for coffee and donuts following our Sunday Masses. It is a great way…

Knights of Columbus

Thanks to the efforts of Father Michael J. McGivney, assistant pastor of St. Mary’s Church in New Haven and some of his parishioners, the Connecticut state legislature on March 29, 1882, officially chartered the Knights of Columbus as a fraternal benefit society. The Order is still true to its founding principles of charity, unity and fraternity. The Knights was formed to render financial aid to members and their families. Mutual aid and assistance are offered to sick, disabled and needy…

Life After Loss

Following the loss of a loved one, life can be difficult and overwhelming. Our daily lives and “normal” have been forever changed. Along with changes in our day-to-day functioning (such as our finances, schedules, and routines), we are left to cope with emotions of grief, sadness, anger, loneliness, and sometimes even guilt. Life After Loss is a group that offers a safe and supportive environment to explore the emotions and questions that can accompany our grief journey. This is a…

Ministry to the Sick

The Ministry to the Sick meets regularly in the Adult Ed Room. We are in need of people to: send cards to the sick, send cards with grief information to those who have lost a loved one, visit the homebound, visit those in the local nursing home and assisted living, bringing Holy Communion, and preventing isolation from our parish family and Catholic Faith. Training to approach the sick in a helpful way and to take Holy Communion is provided. If…


Adult Choir We really need additional choir members and this new schedule may make it easier for more parishioners to participate. If you decide to participate, I will give you a schedule of Mass times that the choir will sing at and practice CDs of the anthems we will be singing each week. You will come 45 minutes before Mass and we will rehearse our music. As you know, we rotate through the Saturday 5:00 p.m. and Sunday 10:30 a.m.…

Parish Nursing

St. Clement of Rome, in partnership with St. Joseph Mercy of Macomb’s Parish Nursing Network, has a Parish Nursing / Health Ministry program. The mission of the ministry is to spread the message of Christ through caring, compassionate service within the scope of professional practice defined by the American Nurse’s Association. Membership is comprised of medical and non-medical volunteers. The roles of the ministry membership focus upon the physical, spiritual, emotional and psychological health of the famly and parish community.…
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