Weekly Reflections (Page 12)

Sisterly Encounters

In the final scene of Frank Capra’s 1946 movie, It’s a Wonderful Life, George Bailey is toasted as “the richest man in town.” Why? Now, if you have seen this classic movie, you will remember that after his father died, the burdens of reality fell upon him. He was called upon to continue the family business, care for his mother, and ensure that those around him had what they needed to succeed. By serving his family, friends, and community, George used the gifts…

The Holy Spirit

Across the centuries, Christians have always needed someone mighty and strong to lean on and to cling to whenever the squalls blow fiercely, and the pain becomes hard to bear. For three years that support was provided by the physical presence of the Lord Jesus in human flesh, visible and operative amid his first disciples. The Apostles took over that task after Jesus ascended into heaven to receive from the Father the fullness of his glory for having obeyed him…

Work Provides Us With a Purpose

Regarding work, President Ronald Reagan once said: “There’s nothing better for the inside of a man than the outside of a horse.” Why? Because work provides us with a purpose—for living out our lives. In the Garden of Eden (Genesis 2:15), “The LORD God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to till it and keep it.” In the Dictionary of Bible Themes (2009) scholar Martin Manser asks and provides answers to fundamental questions about work—and our role in it. What was God’s purpose for…

For Those With Troubled Hearts

On the Fifth Sunday of Easter, Jesus tells us, “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You have faith in God; have faith also in me. In my Father’s house there are many dwelling places. If there were not, would I have told you that I’m going to prepare a place for you?” Now, these are most certainly words of comfort; but they should not be interpreted as referring only to our endless, blissful future life in heaven. These words should…

5 Ways We Fall

When I was young, my mother would constantly remind me: Put your boots on…Bring an umbrella…Don’t forget to pack your lunch. In my youthful wisdom, I would chuckle and say, “Okay, mom” and proceed to follow none of the above. But sure enough, from nowhere, a snowstorm would appear, a drenching rain would ensue, or a certain “free lunch” that I thought would be served—wouldn’t. The bottom line? When wisdom fills your ears, there is wisdom in listening to it! Among the numerous…

The Voice that Matters

What are the voices that scare us?  That’s easy! They are the harsh voices, the voices of condemnation, the menacing voices of impending doom. By contrast, let us think of the voices that have the power to soothe, to reassure, to calm our fears, to make us smile and face the world with a bit more courage. They are choice, selected voices. They are the voices of those people that have gained our trust with more than mere sound bites.…

Patient Endurance

Could it be that two thousand years ago, the Holy Spirit inspired St. Luke to write this event in the life of two of Jesus’ disciples in such a gripping way that we can see ourselves in many of its details? The geography has changed, of course; the issues are somewhat diverse; our concerns and fears are of a different nature; but the anguish, the worries, and the gloominess of the future ahead of us is so strikingly similar! The…

One Less Bell

The song, One Less Bell to Answer, was written in 1967 by Burt Bacharach and Hal David. In 1970, it was recorded and included on the debut album of the group The Fifth Dimension. That year, the catchy tune made its way to the #2 spot on the Billboard Hot 100 and achieved platinum status. Its memorable lyrics lament the loss of a relationship: One less bell to answer…One less egg to fryOne less man to pick up afterI should be happyBut all I do…

Our Emotional Investment in Jesus

How long did the joy we wore on Easter Day last? Could it be that the grinding of daily life has reclaimed our heart and mind? The readings for the 2nd Sunday of Easter are purposely very down to earth, addressing accurately human weaknesses, sinful tendencies, and limitations. This could be the reason why St. John Paul II, established the formerly called Dominica in albis depositis (Sunday of the removed white garments) as “Divine Mercy Sunday.” In the early centuries of the Church’s…

In God’s Time, He Bent Down Over Us

For my ways are not your ways, and my thoughts are not your thoughts, says the Lord. Those memorable words from the Prophet Isaiah (55:8) may have been on the mind of the English Catholic archbishop, William Bernard Ullathorne, when, on a Good Friday centuries ago, he said “…whoever embraces the Cross with an open heart finds there the explanation of a thousand mysteries.”  I don’t know about you, but each Good Friday, as the Passion narrative is read, I find…

Living in the Reality of the Resurrection

We decry that, a long time ago, many in our society took Christ out of Christmas.  As believers, at Easter, our disappointment should be double!  A first disappointment: Easter bunnies have absolutely nothing to do with the risen Lord, while eggs and newly hatched chicks could be symbols of new life and, thus, be somewhat connected to Christ’s victory over death. There should be a second disappointment troubling true believers: so many fail to live viscerally and wholeheartedly in the supernatural reality…

A Love Like This

On Wednesday, July 31, 1957, meteorological records indicate that Detroit’s weather was hot and sunny. With temperatures reaching 86 degrees and winds blowing out of the north at 7 miles per hour, it was about what you would expect for an ordinary summer day. Now if it were possible to transport ourselves to that day in history, I imagine that the morning newspaper would contain the results from Tuesday’s Tigers game and the latest news regarding the town’s movers and…