Posts by Fr Dino Vanin (Page 7)

Spiritual Blindness

For true believers, spiritual blindness is much worse than physical blindness; it would disrupt our life in all its aspects, keep us from enjoying it fully and from bearing the fruits of the Spirit. Of course, the worst type of blindness is the self-inflicted variety, proper of those who refuse to see. Some of the Pharisees who were with him heard this and said to him, “Surely we are not also blind, are we?” Jesus said to them, “If you were…

Wells of Grace

In the Gospel of John, perhaps more than anywhere else in the Bible, every single word is laden with symbolism and chosen carefully to evoke other significant, grace-filled events. The mention of a well tells those familiar with Holy Scripture that, today, the Lord is looking for a romantic encounter with our soul. Rebekah was chosen as Isaac’s bride at a well (cf. Genesis 24:15-65) and Zipporah as Moses’ wife at a well in the land of Midian. (cf. Exodus…

The Correct Way to Carry Our Cross

The only way this narrative of the Transfiguration of Jesus becomes relevant to us is by considering ourselves as members of the Body of Christ, as one with him. If this were not also “our Transfiguration” it would be just a simple recollection of a wonderful, distant event that took place 2000 years ago. The preface of Holy Mass for the Second Sunday of Lent indicates clearly that any mention of the Transfiguration is done to help us overcome the…

My Beloved Son

At least once a year, we need to overhaul our relationship with Christ Jesus and make sure that we return to the right path to heaven if we had strayed and had become unheedful of the inspirations of the Holy Spirit. This spiritual overhaul is strictly the work of the Holy Spirit as it is the Holy Spirit the divine Agent of Baptism. The Holy Spirit descended in bodily form as a dove on Jesus after he was baptized by…

Salt and Light

The Gospel passage (Mt 5:13-16) for the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time offers two vivid images that Jesus must have picked up from his Mom, as well as from the simple, daily life of his village of Nazareth. Salt and light.  In ancient time, salt made life better, more livable, and oil lamps extended activities otherwise hindered at sundown. Mary, together with the other housewives of Nazareth used salt to preserve dried fish, sheep and goat meat, and olives. Naturally, they put…