Posts by Fr Dino Vanin (Page 5)
Our Talents
For to everyone who has, more will be given and he will grow rich; but from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away. If it weren’t said by Jesus, we would think that this statement is so unfair, and even cruel; but it is a simple observation of what goes on in us and all around us, daily. Physically, as they stop exercising and watching their diet, former athletes grow soft and flabby. Brains…
The Ten Virgins
The allegory of the ten virgins is another clever way devised by Jesus to simplify for us our longing for admission to the endless Wedding Feast of Heaven. This is how we could put this longing into modern terms paraphrasing Jesus’ concluding statement: Therefore, stay awake, for you know neither the day nor the hour. (Matthew 25:13) “Live your life, daily, the way American kids live the days and nights before Christmas.” Their behavior improves dramatically. It is much easier for Mom and Dad…
Practicing What We Preach
Twenty-six years ago, I visited the Temple’s Wailing Wall in Jerusalem. There I witnessed a disturbing sight; it was a roadshow of sort. Some very devout Jews tried their best to draw everyone’s attention as they, with the help of their attendants, put on quite wide phylacteries on their foreheads and on their left forearms. Phylacteries are leather cases containing some passages of the Torah, held on the forehead and on the left forearms by leather straps. After donning their cloak with long tassels and making…
Seeking Heaven
For the Jews, 2000 years ago, there were 613 precepts of the law, some bigger, more important than others considered less important; of these precepts about half were given as positive commands and the other half as negative commands. Hence, for well-intentioned people the need for simplification was real and pressing. The question put to Jesus was roughly this: “Rabbi, in a nutshell, what do we have to do to make it to Heaven?” We should reflect on the answer…
Becoming Disciples of Integrity
In the Gospel of Matthew (22:15-21), Jesus teaches us that he expects us, his disciples, to be consistent, viscerally grateful and of solid integrity. After seeing the embarrassment of the Pharisees as Jesus repeatedly exposed to public scrutiny their inconsistency, ungratefulness, and dishonesty, we should decide to conduct ourselves in the spirit of truth. How embarrassed had the Pharisees been? All four gospels record the many times their hypocrisy was unmasked by Jesus. In this gospel passage (Matthew 22:15-21), we realize that…
Without Me
The first thing that stands out about the wedding feast of the Lamb, the eternal Eucharist of Heaven (Matthew 22:1-14), is the fact that its choice foods do not spoil; last forever; and without need to be reheated, they are continually delicious. This is a mere human way of introducing us to the most unfamiliar concept of durationwithout the passing of time. This concept of duration without the passing of time is what we commonly refer to as “eternity,” which is…
God’s Love for Us
Alas, I know of a few men and women who turned bitter, disenchanted, depressed and unable to trust another human being for the rest of their life because their love was not reciprocated. As we clearly see in the Book of Isaiah (5:1-7) and the Gospel of Matthew (21: 33-43), God himself laments this experience of unreciprocated love, of a broken heart, not once, not twice, but repeated times throughout history. The analogy of the vineyard fails to hide God’s…
Heartfelt Humility
The parable given us for the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time— stings. It is very brief, to the point and, ouch! It stings because it is aimed at most of us, “the insiders.” I mean, it is directed at those who have available all the tools, the means, and the information on how to act in a manner always pleasing to God. It was, originally, aimed at the chief priests and elders of the people. (Matthew 21:28) However, nowadays, who are the targets of Jesus’…
The Lord’s Vineyard
Here is a sobering fact: if God were to treat us with justice, we would all be wiped out, erased off the face of the earth in an instant. If you, Lord, mark iniquities, Lord who can stand? (Psalm 130) Today we are all invited to rejoice that God is not just with us in a distributive sense but, rather, he is “just” in his divine way. Any of our sins, however small, is an offense against God who is infinite.…
An Offer that Cannot be Refused
The phrase that comes to my mind reflecting on the Gospel passage from Matthew (18:21-35) is the one immortalized in the book and film The Godfather: “An offer that cannot be refused.” Yes, when it comes to forgiving or unwillingness to forgive, we face an offer made by God which we cannot refuse. We often hear that God’s love is unconditional. That sounds good and comforting but it is fluffy stuff, pure and simple. God’s love and forgiveness are conditional: they…
Pure Love
Amen, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. (Matthew 18:18) What is quite intriguing is the fact that Jesus gives to each one of you, lay people, the authority which he had given to Peter and to the other 10 and, consequently, to bishops and priests ever since. (Matthew 16:19 and John 20:23) First, this means that, in Christ, heaven and earth are…
Living Sacrifices
I urge you, brothers, and sisters, by the mercies of God, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice. (Romans 12:1) Hmmm. This is unusual. Why not our souls? Why not our hearts? First, we should try to divest ourselves of our Western mentality of conceiving body and soul as being the lone two components of a human being and somewhat in opposition to and in tension with each other. And secondly, we should think of body the way the Bible sees it,…