Posts by Deacon Kurt Godfryd (Page 4)
Leading Us into Deep Water
I would like to thank you for providing me a few moments to honor this newest Eagle Scout from our parish. It is a privilege to be in the midst of so many who serve their communities in such special ways. This afternoon, as we count the ways in which Evan has earned this distinct honor, I hope to focus my remarks on the future. But prior to moving forward, it should be noted that every future has a past. For Evan, his past has been…
Finding God in Our Lives
A Notre Dame professor (The Hidden Things, OSV, July 9-15, 2023, pp. 15) has wonderfully noted that the instruction of Jesus for the 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time comes to us after three key things have occurred: REPENTANCE. In Mt 3:1-3, John the Baptist’s holy voice is heard—crying out in the wilderness! A PRAYER WHERE WE ASK TO BE FORGIVEN. In Mt 6:9-15, Jesus has taught us to pray the Lord’s Prayer (Our Father). THE DISCIPLES HAVE BEEN CALLED. By…
Through the Night Rode Paul Revere
During this Independence week, I have a confession to make. Several summers ago, I found myself standing on a bridge in Concord, Massachusetts. And without knowing that I shouldn’t pick the flowers— I did! After apologizing to the park ranger for my failure to read the “Don’t Pick the Flowers” sign, he smiled and allowed me to take the flower. At the time, it was a prized possession. Now, however, it is temporarily lost in my office. But that’s another…
Marriage is a Gift to Treasure
On Black Friday, advertisers coax us to purchase gifts to be given at Christmas. Today, however, other gifts are sorely missing in our society—children. Based on ongoing research conducted by the Heritage Foundation, fertility rates have now declined below population replacement levels. Should this trend continue, we will ultimately see an aging population coupled with fewer workers to pay for social support systems such as Medicare and Social Security. As one who follows demographic trends and has taught college economics for more than…
True Friends
In the Book of Sirach (6:15-17), we are told this about true friends: A faithful friend is a sturdy shelter; he who finds one finds a treasure. A faithful friend is beyond price, no sum can balance his worth. A faithful friend is a life-saving remedy, such as he who fears God finds; for he who fears God behaves accordingly, and his friend will be like himself. Note the descriptors: faithful, beyond price, and life-saving. Aren’t these awesome attributes regarding what it means to be a…
The Wayback Machine
When meeting someone for the first time, I always enjoy trying to figure out where they are from. Sometimes, the mention of a favorite food will give them away. But more often, their dialect will. One website notes that there are more than twenty active dialects in the United States. Included among them are: Coastal Southern, New England Eastern, New England Western, and Southwestern. As an inhabitant of Michigan, my dialect is classified as Chicago Urban. While these classifications are helpful in describing the…
A Mother’s Love
One Sunday, a priest began preaching on the topic of love. But then, with great suddenness, he stopped, raised his arm, pointed, and exclaimed: Now there is love! And with all eyes now focused upon a young mother holding and tenderly caring for her small infant, love became more about doing than merely about words. In the 15th chapter of the Gospel of John (9-17), Jesus uses the word, love, nine times. Over and over, He reminds His disciples how much they are loved. In speaking…
Sisterly Encounters
In the final scene of Frank Capra’s 1946 movie, It’s a Wonderful Life, George Bailey is toasted as “the richest man in town.” Why? Now, if you have seen this classic movie, you will remember that after his father died, the burdens of reality fell upon him. He was called upon to continue the family business, care for his mother, and ensure that those around him had what they needed to succeed. By serving his family, friends, and community, George used the gifts…
Work Provides Us With a Purpose
Regarding work, President Ronald Reagan once said: “There’s nothing better for the inside of a man than the outside of a horse.” Why? Because work provides us with a purpose—for living out our lives. In the Garden of Eden (Genesis 2:15), “The LORD God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to till it and keep it.” In the Dictionary of Bible Themes (2009) scholar Martin Manser asks and provides answers to fundamental questions about work—and our role in it. What was God’s purpose for…
5 Ways We Fall
When I was young, my mother would constantly remind me: Put your boots on…Bring an umbrella…Don’t forget to pack your lunch. In my youthful wisdom, I would chuckle and say, “Okay, mom” and proceed to follow none of the above. But sure enough, from nowhere, a snowstorm would appear, a drenching rain would ensue, or a certain “free lunch” that I thought would be served—wouldn’t. The bottom line? When wisdom fills your ears, there is wisdom in listening to it! Among the numerous…
One Less Bell
The song, One Less Bell to Answer, was written in 1967 by Burt Bacharach and Hal David. In 1970, it was recorded and included on the debut album of the group The Fifth Dimension. That year, the catchy tune made its way to the #2 spot on the Billboard Hot 100 and achieved platinum status. Its memorable lyrics lament the loss of a relationship: One less bell to answer…One less egg to fryOne less man to pick up afterI should be happyBut all I do…
In God’s Time, He Bent Down Over Us
For my ways are not your ways, and my thoughts are not your thoughts, says the Lord. Those memorable words from the Prophet Isaiah (55:8) may have been on the mind of the English Catholic archbishop, William Bernard Ullathorne, when, on a Good Friday centuries ago, he said “…whoever embraces the Cross with an open heart finds there the explanation of a thousand mysteries.” I don’t know about you, but each Good Friday, as the Passion narrative is read, I find…