Posts by Deacon Kurt Godfryd (Page 3)

Hearing and Listening

For decades, E.F. Hutton was one of the most respected financial firms in the United States. While providing investors with solid investing advice, the firm became known for its powerful TV commercials. Their commercials were set at restaurants, dinner parties, or where large groups of people were gathered. Each began with crowd noise generated by many conversations when suddenly, a young professional’s voice would cut through and remark that “his broker was E.F. Hutton.” Instantly, those gathered would turn, stop all conversation, and listen to him. And…

Things We Were Designed For

The Lord’s Prayer provides us with insight regarding our relationship to the Father: We are His children! We are His sons and daughters! St. Paul (Rom 8:14-21; 9:8; Gal 3:26; and Phil 2:15) reminds us that through this “adopted” relationship, we have become heirs of God’s promises. In the Gospel of Matthew (5:9), Jesus teaches that the children of God should be peacemakers. And in the Gospel of Luke (20:36), He reminds us that as children of God, we are also children of…

The Church Militant, Suffering, and Triumphant

The Catechism of the Catholic Church (#954) describes the three states of the Church: “When the Lord comes in glory, and all his angels with him, death will be no more, and all things will be subject to him. But at the present time some of his disciples are pilgrims on earth. [the Church Militant] Others have died and are being purified [the Church Suffering], while still others are in glory, contemplating ‘in full light, God himself triune and one,…

To Boldly Proclaim Christ

The final verses of the Gospel of Luke (24:46-53) describe Jesus’ ascension. From the perspective of the disciples, it was the end of their course, semester, and training with the Master. And these were the final points Jesus wanted them to remember: first, that He came to suffer; second, that He rose from the dead on the third day; third, that they should preach repentance, for the forgiveness of sins, to all nations; and fourth, that they should “Stay in…

On Life and Death

During a 1962 press conference, President John F. Kennedy commented on the plight of American reservists who continued to be held on active duty after the Berlin Crisis had subsided. At one point, he noted: “Life is unfair.” Tragically, just one year later, on November 22, 1963, this young American president was gone. Americans will forever remember his death as a tragic example of unfairness. In my classroom, when the topic turns to fairness, I enjoy asking students questions like these: Is it fair that…

Heavenly Currency

In the 2004 movie, Millions, seven-year-old Damian Cunningham, following the death of his mother, sets out with his father and older brother to establish a new life. A pious and prayerful Catholic school boy, Damian has a fondness for the lives of the saints and an equally powerful zeal for serving the poor. Set within a fictional period when the Bank of England was converting to the Euro (they didn’t), Damian is seen playing outside one day when a bag of…

Parables, Wheat, and Weeds

One modern scripture scholar notes that “parables are figures of comparison that use stories to teach a truth or answer a question.” Two-thousand years later, as we read and listen to the parables of Jesus found in the synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke), all of this seems clear.  However, as the disciples walked with Jesus, this was not the case.  In the Gospel of Matthew (13:10), they asked Jesus: “Why do you speak to them in parables?” He responded…

Leading Us into Deep Water

I would like to thank you for providing me a few moments to honor this newest Eagle Scout from our parish. It is a privilege to be in the midst of so many who serve their communities in such special ways. This afternoon, as we count the ways in which Evan has earned this distinct honor, I hope to focus my remarks on the future. But prior to moving forward, it should be noted that every future has a past. For Evan, his past has been…

Finding God in Our Lives

A Notre Dame professor (The Hidden Things, OSV, July 9-15, 2023, pp. 15) has wonderfully noted that the instruction of Jesus for the 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time comes to us after three key things have occurred: REPENTANCE. In Mt 3:1-3, John the Baptist’s holy voice is heard—crying out in the wilderness! A PRAYER WHERE WE ASK TO BE FORGIVEN. In Mt 6:9-15, Jesus has taught us to pray the Lord’s Prayer (Our Father).  THE DISCIPLES HAVE BEEN CALLED. By…

Through the Night Rode Paul Revere

During this Independence week, I have a confession to make. Several summers ago, I found myself standing on a bridge in Concord, Massachusetts. And without knowing that I shouldn’t pick the flowers— I did! After apologizing to the park ranger for my failure to read the “Don’t Pick the Flowers” sign, he smiled and allowed me to take the flower. At the time, it was a prized possession. Now, however, it is temporarily lost in my office. But that’s another…

Marriage is a Gift to Treasure

On Black Friday, advertisers coax us to purchase gifts to be given at Christmas. Today, however, other gifts are sorely missing in our society—children. Based on ongoing research conducted by the Heritage Foundation, fertility rates have now declined below population replacement levels. Should this trend continue, we will ultimately see an aging population coupled with fewer workers to pay for social support systems such as Medicare and Social Security. As one who follows demographic trends and has taught college economics for more than…

True Friends

In the Book of Sirach (6:15-17), we are told this about true friends: A faithful friend is a sturdy shelter; he who finds one finds a treasure. A faithful friend is beyond price, no sum can balance his worth. A faithful friend is a life-saving remedy, such as he who fears God finds; for he who fears God behaves accordingly, and his friend will be like himself. Note the descriptors: faithful, beyond price, and life-saving. Aren’t these awesome attributes regarding what it means to be a…