Posts by Deacon Kurt Godfryd

Preparing Ourselves for Unconditional Love

There is a story of a farmer who lost his watch in his barn. As it had sentimental value, he searched high-and-low among the bales of hay. Eventually, however, he gave up and decided to enlist the help of a group of children playing outside the barn. He promised them that the one who found it would be rewarded. Upon hearing this, the children hurried inside the barn, went through-and-around the stacks of hay but still could not find the…

Our Happiness

In 1996, the American singer & songwriter, Sheryl Crow, wrote and performed a song that made its way to the Billboard Top Ten and earned her a Grammy. Entitled If It Makes You Happy, the lyrics go like this… If it makes you happyIt can’t be that badIf it makes you happyThen why the hell are you so sad? Decades later, I surmise that her song (and question) continues to resonate because, despite our success in amassing greater wealth and “things”…

May the Lord Be Generous to You

In an 1894 letter to her newlywed cousin, St. Therese of Lisieux wrote: “I am asking our Lord to be as generous to you as He was to the bridal pair at Cana. May He invariably change the water into wine! I mean, may He prolong His gift of happiness, and as far as possible sweeten the bitter trials you will meet on your way. Trials! Fancy introducing that word into my letter—how could I?—at a moment when I realize that life for…

Baptism and Our Prophetic Mission

Have you ever been given a gift and not opened it? Or, have you ever been given a gift and partially opened it? Years ago, I remember watching the movie, Agnes of God, in which a prosecuting attorney (and lapsed Catholic) was interviewing the mother superior of a convent regarding a potential crime she believed had been committed there. As their relationship deepened, the two found themselves beneath a gazebo on the convent grounds. On a cold, crisp Canadian morning, weather…

Everything Will Be Clean for Us

I wish to place before you an image of goalposts. And now, with this image embedded in your imagination, let us twist it and imagine these earthly goalposts as divine. Now regarding divine goalposts, I would wager that certain images come to mind; say: the Ten Commandments, Beatitudes, or Jesus’ words regarding earthly riches in Matthew’s Gospel (Chapter 19), that “…it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to…

Life is a Gift

Many years ago, a colleague sat me down for a “wisdom” conversation. For more than an hour, he shared the story of his family and career. Then in his late fifties, he was filled with regret because of foolish choices, incomplete relationships, and precious time lost. Perhaps the nineteenth century American poet, Henry David Thoreau, best summed up his feelings when he wrote: Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in…

The “Bridge” that Leads Us to Heaven

The great mystic and visionary, St. Catherine of Siena, “Sometimes saw the holy angels serving around the altar at which the Mass was celebrated, holding in their hands a golden veil, or in company with the saints, praising and blessing God. Sometimes she saw three Faces in one substance, or the altar and the priest wrapt in a flame of fire. At other times a great and marvelous splendour seemed to shine forth from the altar; or again, when the priest…

Asking, Seeking, and Knocking

In Matthew’s Gospel (7:7-8), Jesus reminds: “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” Years ago, when my wife was expecting our fourth child, she and I were active in our local crisis pregnancy center. The largest fundraiser conducted by the clinic was a…

Our Work Should Be His Work

I don’t know about you, but whenever I walk into a room with a mirror these days, my first inclination is to reach for the dimmer switch—and dial it lower. Privately, I tell myself, “less light will be better for your eyes” and proceed to mimic that “clap on, clap off” commercial. For bright lights and mirrors reveal way too much: wrinkles, imperfections, and what’s left of my hair that grows grayer by the day. Quickly, however, the Spirit leads…

The Church

In the first chapter of Lumen Gentium, the fathers of the Second Vatican Council noted that “To carry out the will of the Father, Christ inaugurated the Kingdom of heaven on earth and revealed to us the mystery of that kingdom. The Church, or, in other words, the kingdom of Christ now present in mystery, grows visibly through the power of God in the world. This inauguration and this growth are both symbolized by the blood and water which flowed from the…

Strength of a Mountain

This past Thursday and Friday, I had the blessing of traveling with my youngest daughter on a whirlwind day-and-a-half college tour from Michigan to Cincinnati to Cleveland and back to Michigan. At some point, because fathers just know, I turned to my daughter and gave her my advice where she should attend and then had some fun and predicted a future event when a boy named Tommy Gunn would call and let me know he was in love with her.…

Where Are We?

A website devoted to the discipline of psychology reminds that when we lose something, we should embrace a three-prong approach: first, calm down and don’t panic; second, carefully look around; and third, if necessary, trace our steps. After considering these, many Catholics have long recommended a fourth option; that is, a quick shoutout to St. Anthony of Padua. For Anthony, the twelfth-century Doctor of the Church and patron of the poor, is also known for his assistance in finding missing…