In Bishop Fulton J. Sheen’s 1930 book,The Divine Romance, he ended with words about Jesus’ Last Sermon. Immediately, one might think back to his priestly ministry to his apostles and their growing flock. The Bishop quickly dispels this notion by citing that Jesus’ Seven Last Words from the Cross, taken as a whole, constituted His Last Sermon. After looking at them in the Bishop’s context, I believe that Jesus’ last sermon on earth provide us with a clear insight to His teachings and short life on earth.
The Seven Last Words were a constant source of inspiration for the Venerable Bishop. In fact, he often used them as the basis for his brilliant sermons, which he often delivered on Good Friday. By their very nature, they make an excellent source for meditation and spiritual reflection. I remember attending one such talk at my first parish and school, Our Lady Queen of Martyrs, on Queens Boulevard in New York City. I think I was home for Spring Break from the College of the Holy Cross.