St Clement of Rome Catholic Church

Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we welcome, embrace, and unite the many faces of Christ who worship with us. As a family, we deepen our faith and seek God through prayer and good works.

Our Happiness

On this Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, the scriptures provide us with important insight regarding the road to happiness. In the first reading, the prophet Jeremiah (17:5-8) cautions us that when we turn our hearts away from the Lord, we are like a barren bush in the desert. Likewise, the Psalmist (Ps 1:1-2, 3, 4 &6) provides us with guidance on how we should live our lives; chiefly, by not following the counsel of the wicked, walking in the way of sinners, or sitting in the company of the arrogant.

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343 S. Main Street Romeo, MI 48065

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Saintly Footsteps

On a summer day in the year 2000, Jack Sullivan was told by his surgeon that based on scans of his spine, surgery would be necessary to repair it. Later that day, dejected and suffering from intense pain, he tuned into a television program on the life of Cardinal John Henry Newman. Years later, he recalled that “at the time, I knew something about Newman- not much, but that he was a convert, a brilliant man, who preached and wrote about the influence of God in everyday life.”

Weekly Reflections

Our Happiness

In 1996, the American singer & songwriter, Sheryl Crow, wrote and performed a song that made its way to the Billboard Top Ten and earned her a Grammy. Entitled If It Makes You Happy, the lyrics go like this… If it makes you happyIt can’t be that badIf it makes you happyThen why the hell are you so sad? Decades later, I surmise that her song (and question) continues to resonate because, despite our success in amassing greater wealth and “things”…

The Word Changes Us

We are swamped with words. Some poisonous like gossip; some devastating like slander; others unsettling like rumors and criticism. Most of them, though, are empty and meaningless, hot air—precisely. How many millions of words have invaded our being this past week? Printed words, broadcast words, casual words from friends and passerby—words, words, and more words. Almost screaming, we take refuge in our churches and say: “No more words…we need facts!” There we get more words. But we do not mind…

The Day of His Coming

But who will endure the day of his coming? For he is like the refiner’s fire, or like the fuller’s lye. …He will sit refining and purifying silver, and he will purify the sons of Levi… (from the first reading, Malachi 3:1-4) Isn’t it overkill, a pure exaggeration? We are talking about a 40-day-old baby, so cute, so charming. The 2nd reading (Hebrews 2:14-18) sheds light on this obvious discrepancy. It speaks of Jesus’ entire life as spent in obedience to…

Jesus Offers Us Freedom

The readings for the 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time are about freedom.  From the first reading (Neh 8:2-4, 5-6, 8-10) we gather that, after returning from exile, for the first time, in a highly charged atmosphere of deep emotions, the Jews were free to celebrate God’s gift of the Torah (the Law). In the second reading (1 Cor 12:12-30), St. Paul tells us how Jesus freed us from sin through his blood on the cross, and how he has poured his Holy…

Bishop Barron’s Sunday Sermons


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